Stream Part 1Download Part 1
December 2002
Stream Part 2Download Part 2
Special This Month..TWO Christmas Shows!! Click to Listen 1 or 2 Above.
#1 Playlist:   (airdate 12/16/02)
Go Go Boys - out in the bleak midwinter
Go Go Boys - a noel noel ( both 2001)
Kip Addotta - i saw daddy kissing
     santa claus (1986)
Jan Barlow - dyke the halls (1986)
Jan Barlow - jerry falwell's coming to
     town (1986)
Derivative Duo -christmas quandary ('96)
Robert K. Wolf - cross dressing for
     christmas (2001)

Spotlight on Richard Foltz:
Patrick Arena -christmas is the time ('96)
Dan Martin - christmastime (1996)
Richard Foltz Interview (2002)
Grant King comments (2002)
Dan Martin comments (2002)

Steve Cohen -heart of the holiday (1996)
David Clement - christmas 1978 (1996)

Weather Girls - santa, bring me a man
     for christmas (1983, clip)
Cherry Poppin' Daddies - butch the gay
     santa claus (1998)
Therapy Sisters -codependent christmas
Therapy Sisters Interview Comments
Therapy Sisters - happy whatever
     you're having (both songs, 1998)
Happy Charles Interview Comments
Happy Charles - sittin' on santa's lap
     (both song and comments from 2002)


Go Go Boys second CD

Go Go Boys first CD

#2 Playlist: (airdate 12/23/02)
Gay Liberation Quire - hark the herald
     fairies shout (1983)
Gay Liberation Quire - god help you
     merry dykes and poofs (live, 1982)
Cliff Townsend - jingle bells (1994)
Bob Rivers & Twisted Radio - walkin'
     round in women's underwear (1993)
Cledus T. Judd - stephon the alternative
     lifestyle reindeer (2002)
Dennis Hensley Interview Comments
Dennis Hensley - doesn't seem like
     christmas (1999)
Andy Monroe - christmas memory (1996)
Billy Tipton Christmas greeting (1974)
Dina Martina - santa claus (1999)
Jackie Curtis - have yourself a merry
     little christmas (1978)
Best Revenge - cockring for
     christmas (2000)
Queer Duck - santa claus is gay (2001)
Venus Envy - rhonda the lesbo reindeer
Lisa Koch Interview (2002)
Venus Envy - i'll be homo for christmas
     (both songs 1995)
El Vez-en el barrio at christmas
     time (2002)
Jimmy James - feliz navidad (2002)
RuPaul - rupaul the red-nosed reindeer

HollyRead the scripts

Kip Addotta

Above, straight comic singer Kip Addotta did a teaser almost gay song in 1986; below, Derivative Duo CD, 1996

Derivative Duo

Robert K. Wolf, out of drag

Above, Robert K. Wolf spent last holiday season "Cross Dressing for Christmas"...see below, yikes!

Robert K. Wolf

Cherry Poppin' Daddies

TheThe Christmas song by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies (above) only appeared on the Kevin & Bean compilation CD (below). They are L.A. DJs.

DJ's Kevin & Bean's CD "Santa's Swingin' Sack"

Screening Party

right, Jackie Curtis

Jackie Curtis, above right, was ....well, you can read about it...

Jackie Curtis obit

And, click HERE for some strange and ironic pics of Jackie Curtis


Jan Barlow cassette

rare Jan Barlow tape from 1986, and below, source CD for queer xmas standard "walkin' round in women's underwear"

Bob Rivers CD

Cledus T. Judd

Above, country comedy artist Cedus T. Judd's CD from 2002, and left, Robert K. Wolf, who was crossdressing for last Christmas

Billy Tipton bio "Suits Me" by Diane Wood Middlebrook

Dennis Hensley's CD "The Water's Fine"

JD Doyle & Dennis Hensley, 10/02

Dennis Hensley's 1999 CD "The Water's Fine" gave us "Doesn't Seem Like Christmas." And he's also the author of a Very funny book (left). He was interviewed in September about the book on KPFT by Jone Devlon & myself. Hear that interview (15 minutes) by clicking on the book.

Dina Martina xmas 45, there's also a CD

Dina Martina

Pretty memorable pic, huh? That's Dina Martina. And I bet Bilito (below) of the queercore group Best Revenge, is also memorable.

Best Revenge lead singer Bilito


Gay Liberation Quire EP

GLQ's rare 45 EP, 1982, and click to see a rare photo and pages from their songbook

Cliff Townsend

Above, Cliff Townsend of the Flirtations, and below, his solo CD

Cliff Townsend, of the Flirtations

Billy Tipton

Jazz musician Billy Tipton (above) spent over 50 years pretending to be a man. The excellent book on her story is pictured to the left.

Artist Links
Kip Addotta*
Best Revenge
Cherry Poppin' Daddies*
David Clement
Steve Cohen
Jackie Curtis
Derivative Duo
El Vez
Richard Foltz
Happy Charles
Dennis Hensley
Jimmy James
Cledus T. Judd*
Grant King
Lisa Koch
Dan Martin
Andy Monroe
Queer Duck
Bob Rivers*
Therapy Sisters
Robert K. Wolf*

* = straight artist, far as I know

Some of the music heard on QMH can be purchased at Goldenrod Music

Goldenrod Music (if you click on the link, and then buy a CD I get a cut..hey, do you think this website is cheap?...:)

Showtime's Queer Duck

Queer Duck

Queer Duck

Queer Duck

Queer Duck


"I'll Be A Homo For Christmas," Venus Envy's 1995 classic

Venus Envy

Venus Envy is (cw from top) Linda Schierman, Lisa Koch, Laura Love, and Linda Severt. Below is Lisa (left) with her Dos Fallopia partner Peggy Platt, and below that is Lisa's recent CD, "Both of Me."

Lisa Koch & Peggy Platt of Dos Fallopia

Lisa Koch's 3rd solo CD

Jimmy James as Bette Davis

That's Jimmy James above, doing Bette Davis. He does her (and other divas) singing for xmas on her new CD, "Have Yourself a Merry Jimmy James Christmas." You've got to hear it to believe it!

Jimmy James xmas CD

Hear more Jimmy James on my November 2002 "Gender Benders" show..Click Here

Recognize him? That's RuPaul! Well, below is his classic queer xmas CD, and below that his 1994 book.

RuPaul xmas CD

RuPaul's bio

Ru's sung with Martha Wash of the Weather Girls (right), and they helped just a little on Show #1. In the pic Martha (left) is with Izora Armstead. Their hit "Dear Santa, Bring Me a Man This Christmas" was written by gay disco producer Paul Jabara and the ever strange Paul Shaffer, of the David Lettermen Show

Happy Charles CD single

Happy Charles "The Christmas Dream"

Above, Happy Charles brings us his new xmas dance single, "Sittin' On Santa's Lap," and his full-length CD "The Christmas Dream." Check out the lyrics for "Santa's Lap" by clicking HERE.


Lisa Rogers & Maurine McLean

a thorn between two roses

Above, me between the Therapy Sisters Maurine McLean & Lisa Rogers, and above that a pic of Lisa & Maurine from the holiday CD "Codependent Christmas"

Weather Girls

Below, Hispanic cutie El Vez has an excellent Christmas CD. Don't take him for just an Elvis impersonator, he's got talent!

El Vez

El Vez

Spotlight on Richard Foltz "A Songwriter's Christmas"
In Memory of Richard Foltz - 5/28/42 - 1/25/14
Richard Foltz CD "A Songwriter's Christmas"
In 1996 Richard Foltz assembled 15 of the most talented members of the organization Outmusic to put together an album of Christmas songs that he'd written over the years. Three producers were chosen: Tom McCormack, Dan Martin, and Zenobia. Together they weaved magic into an album that's become one of my top favorite Christmas albums. The artists in the group photo are: (top row) Bob Stern, Elliot Pilshaw, Janiece Thompson, Andy Monroe, Grant King, Dan Martin, Richard Foltz, David Clement, and (bottom row) Joshua Koffman, John Whitley, Melinda, Zenobia, Steve Cohen, Tom McCormack, Laura Wetzler, and Patrick Arena. Below are photos of the artists heard on my two xmas shows this year, and some of their recordings.

Andy Monroe

Below, me with David Clement in NYC, and below that, David singing his heart out

me and David Clement

David Clement at the Bar B

Dan Martin & Michael Biello

Above, Dan Martin & Michael Biello. Right is Grant King and his latest CD "Bodies of Water," which was produced by Dan

David Clement's 1st CD


"Night Cap"

Above, Andy Monroe & Patrick Arena surround their GLAMA-winning CD "Night Cap," and below is David Clement's latest CD "Your Free Gift"

David Clement's "Your Free Gift"

Dan Martin & Michael Biello

Above, Dan Martin & Michael Biello, and below, Richard Foltz and me

Richard Foltz & me

Grant King's "Bodies of Water"

Left, David Clement's first CD

Patrick Arena

Steve Cohen & me

Above, Steve Cohen and me, and below, his classic CD "Silent Too Long."

Steve Cohen's 1st CD

Andy Monroe CD

Andy Monroe CD

Above & below, Andy Monroe's three latest CDs, and right, a rather fetching photo of Andy from his website

Andy Monroe CD

Richard Foltz

Above, Richard Foltz, June 2002, below is Steve Cohen's latest CD, and below that, Richard Foltz & Grant King

Steve Cohen's latest CD

Richard & Grant

Patrick, Christopher, Andy

Above, Patrick Arena, Christopher Hopkins, Andy Monroe

wow, Andy!


Haven't had enough queer xmas music yet? Then click to visit my other xmas shows for
December 2000
December 2001
December 2003
December 2004

xmas card