Back to Female Impersonator Sheet Music Intro Francis Renault 8/5/95
- 5/29/55 also see: One of the most famous, born Antonio Auriemma in Naples Italy He
first got attention as a boy soprano, under the name Auriemma, I
recently found the sheet music below, from 1913, showing "Auriema"
and despite the slight Click for More Francis Renault Sheet Music Click for Francis Renault Programs Click for Francis Renault Photos Click for coverage in 1951 book Femme Mimics, by E. Carleton Winford below, circa 1903 Clippings reference
below indicates Renault WAS performing and Avery Willard's thorough 1971 book also ties together , as performers, Auriema and Francis Renault and,
two clippings below, seems likely "Antonio" Auriemma, boy
soprano, Auriemma Clippings Above,
the "Mrs. McKinley" referred to was wife of President William
McKinley, As Boy Soprano...
...AND Female Impersonator, 1909
Now, as Auriema, not Auriemma 1913
Note, above
right, they often used 'teasers' to get attention
Above, a bit of history...
Below, earliest clipping
I found, 1915, naming Francis Renault
left, mention of his NYC "Club Renault"
************************** Below, not much in the way of obituaries....
And I have MUCH more of her, inclucing a bio, in another section, click below and...