The Jewel Box Revue...

Photos from the Apollo Theatre, 1960

In late 2007 this array of JBR photos were auctioned on eBay. I did not win the ones with the black borders, only the others.

Above and two below, Lynn Carter

Lynne Carter center, above and below


Above, Mr Dori D'Or; below, Tom Harbin

Above, Gene Avery, James Senn, Bob Holloway, Joe Helm, Kim Simmons, Dale Roberts, Dori D'or

Below, (top) Kim Simmons, Dale Roberts, Ted Duncan, (seated) Gene Avery, Clinton Williams

Note: these names were written on the backs, and I cannot vouch for their correctness

Above, Bob Lake

Below, Bob Holloway, James Senn, Joe Helms, (seated) Doddi Daniels

And, amazingly, a flyer for the Apollo show. Below is the inside spread and below the two covers showing the "usual" talent that performed there, which was the cream of R&B and jazz

Below, Dodie Daniels at the Apollo dressing room, 1960'
pass mouse over it to see back


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