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Cris Williamson's "If It Weren't For The Music" was on the first 45 rpm record issued by Olivia Records, the most important label in the history of our music culture. On this show I'll share with you their story, and not just the icons, but every artist they recorded on their main label and also their subsidiary, Second Wave Records...a historic and glorious ride from 1974 to 1993.

album and artist montages

It has annoyed me for years that there is no Olivia Records Discography to be found on the internet, not even on the Olivia website, so I created my own... 

Click Here.
Playlist - Part 1 (airdate May 26th)   63:31
Cris Williamson - Olivia / If It Weren't For the Music (1991)
Meg Christian - Ode to a Gym Teacher (1974)
Cris Williamson - Song of the Soul (1974)
BeBe K'Roche - Kahlua Mama (1976)
Judy Grahn - A History of Lesbianism (1976)
Pat Parker - For Straight Folks Who Don't Mind
     Gays But Wish They Weren't So Blatant (1976)
Robin Tyler - Roles (1979)
Meg Christian - Face the Music (1977) *
Teresa Trull - Woman-Loving Women (1977)
Teresa Trull - Every Woman (1980)
Berkeley Women's Music Collective - Gay and Proud ('77)
Sue Fink - Leaping Lesbians (1977)
Linda Tillery - Don't Pray For Me (1977)
Gwen Avery - Sugar Mama (1977)
Mary Watkins - No Hiding Place (1977)
June Millington - Heaven Loves a Stranger (1981)

Part 2   55:50
Teresa Trull & Barbara Higbie - High and Dry (1983)
Tret Fure - As If By the Wind (1983)
Alicia Bridges - This Girl Don't Care (1984)
Deidre McCalla - Would You Like To Dance (1985)
Deidre McCalla - Everyday Heroes & Heroines (1992)
Lucie Blue Tremblay - So Lucky (1986)
Tret Fure - The Girls All Dance (1990)
Dianne Davidson - Trouble Again (1988)
Nancy Vogl - I Don't Know Why (1986)
Lucie Blue Tremblay - Sailing Away (1992)
Cris, Tret & Michael Callen - Living On (1993)
Meg & Cris - Turning It Over / Joanna /
     Sweet Darlin' Woman / If I Live (I'll Be Great) /
     Ode to a Gym Teacher / Sweet Woman /
     The Rock Will Wear Away / Waterfall

* = appears on net version only, and also the 2-hour internet version features full versions of the songs

No, not all of the Olivia & Second Wave releases, but a good representation


the Collective

The Big Four

The "Big Four" of Women's Music

Olivia, the book

Where (at least) the name, began....a 1949 book by
Dorothy Strachey (sometimes listed under
her married name Dorothy Bussy)

close-up of the iconic LP cover

And here's a very interesting column Judy
Dlugacz wrote in 2007. It's a bit hard to find
on the Olivia site so here's a direct link.
Judy's View

And of course a link to the Olivia website:

Don't forget to check out the Discography, for about
40 more pages of historic pics and information

Elaine Meizlish

A special treat: Elaine Meizlish, one of the hosts of The Tenth Voice, on interviewed Judy Dlugacz this Spring, and talked all about Olivia, past and present...a very fine interview. And Elaine graciously agreed to allow me to share that interview with my site visitors.
To stream it, Click Here.
Click for Artist Links
Of course some of these artists from so long ago do
not have websites, but I provided what I could find.
close-up of the iconic LP cover


Download the entire "Lesbian Concentrate" album

Click Here

close-up of the iconic LP cover


Music by many of the artists heard on QMH can be found at
Goldenrod Music. Please click on the photo to visit their site.

February 2011, received a wonderful email from Judy Dlugacz:


I just discovered your site, thanks to one of the folks here in the Olivia office. How can I ever thank you for doing this incredible discography of Olivia Records. It’s really a dream come true.

I have been wanting to do talks about the history for a while but the work of putting it together was just too great and now I have this entire website of amazing information.

You are a treasure to our history and our story.

I am in awe…thanks again for what you do.

Much Love,


Listen to excellent interview with Ginny Berson about her life and new book

Dr Bonnie Morris - The Olivia Records Story
