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Yes, that's Curly of the Three Stooges

Female Impersonators from Days Gone By

Again, this section is for galleries of selected individual female impersonators,
where they achieved a certain prominence. The intent is certainly NOT to
represent all...that would be impossible. It will allow me to make it easy for
you to find individual artists like, for example, Jackie Maye, who would be
spread out in many sections on programs, ads, and etc. You won't have to wade
through all that now. And this section does NOT include those with recordings
...see the Drag Artist Discography for that.
This will be an ever-growing section.



yes, a short list so far, I've just begun to
reorganize and set up individual sections

illustration from a 1930 article on Jackie Maye and  Jean Malin    Niki Gordon

Above left, illustration from a 1930 article on Jean Malin and Jackie Maye,
and above right, one of my favorite shots, Niki Gordon